My daughters followed me to the Church office the other day. I was busy in my office while they were within the Church premises doing their stuff. At some point, I called them to come pick some snacks. They came and hanged around, eating the snacks. We were enjoying fellowship while they did. But I suddenly noticed their absence after some time. When I checked, the snacks have finished. Fellowship ended.
Friend, God wants our fellowship more than we need His blessings. This truth must guide your relationship with God if you would last in the Christian race. You must choose the Giver over the Gifts. This decision would be presented to us on a daily basis and we must always get our priority right (Joshua 24:15).
Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness will remain an evergreen charge to all followers of Jesus (Matthew 6:33). God wants to be at the top of our priority. We are not supposed to use God to get our needs met; we are supposed to serve Him whether our needs are met or not.
The greatest gift that God can ever give a man is the gift of Himself (Genesis 15:1-3, Psalms 16:5-6). Truly, whoever has God has all. God is all you need to have all your needs met. In Christ, God has presented Himself to us fully and unreservedly. In fellowship, we must also present ourselves to Him fully and unreservedly (Romans 12:1, Hebrews 10:5-7).
God wants you! He may not need you, but He wants you. He is self-existing but He enjoys fellowship with us. He can do without us but He has chosen not to do without us. Oh, what a privilege! What an honour! We cannot do without Him; in Him we live, in Him we move, and in Him we have our being (Acts 17:28).
The ultimate of God’s blessing is intimacy. God blesses us to draw us closer to Himself (Luke 5:1-11). When the purpose of God’s blessing is not known, it becomes a burden, a distraction and a destruction. Like my daughters, don’t stop enjoying God’s presence just because the snack is finished. Make His presence your priority.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria