When my second daughter mistakenly lost my wedding ring, I taught her a lesson she would never forget. She got tired of searching for it, so I decided to help her in the search. I simply took a pause, asked the Holy Spirit to help me, and immediately I found it. She asked, “Daddy, how did you get it fast?” I replied, “I asked the Holy Spirit to help me.”

To my surprise, she kept singing to herself; “If you lost anything, ask the Holy Spirit to help you to find it.” Two days later, she lost her beads, which she later found. To my surprise, again, I saw her declare; “I have found my beads, thank you, Holy Spirit.” She is following right .

Friend, you need to follow right. You need a model. Your life is as strong as the model you are following. In the world, they say; “Imitation is limitation.” But in the kingdom, imitation is not limitation. It is the key to manifestation. Until you find your teacher and model in life, you will continue to live in frustration (Isaiah 30:20-21).

Who is that person who is modelling life and destiny before you? Following Christ becomes easy when you can see Him through another (Acts 4:13, 11:26, 1 Corinthians 11:1). Following the invisible Holy Spirit becomes easy when you see Him function in a visible human (John 14:17). Walking on water becomes easy when someone summons you to come (Matthew 14:28-29).

Who is that person who is already functioning in the reality of God and His operations that you desire? Who is that picture of greatness that God has shown you (Isaiah 51:1-2)? Who is that person who can allow you access to learn life and simplify purpose (Philippians 4:9)? Prayerfully look for a model and commitedly follow.

You will always find a model for what God is showing you; career, business, or ministry (Luke 1:34-37). You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Every pastor should be a model to the congregation (Hebrews 13:7). Every parent should be a model to the children (Genesis 18:17-19). Every Christian should be a model to the world (2 Corinthians 5:20, 1 Timothy 4:12). Follow the right model and model right.

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria