He arrived late into the night to join the Watch Night Service that year. He had received a direction to move to our city and join the Church. According to him; “I don’t want the new year to meet me where God has told me to leave.” He wouldn’t stay where God has left. He had to follow the glory cloud.
Friend, in your walk with the Lord and in your journey of destiny, you need to follow the glory cloud. This was what marked out the Israelites; they followed the glory cloud (Exodus 40:36-37). The glory cloud signified the movement and operations of God in their lives. The glory cloud moved upwards and forward.
Following the glory cloud means following God to His next plans and purpose for your life (Romans 8:14). The problem with most people is that they stay where God has left, rather than follow God to what is next. Sometimes, what is next may not be something new, but it is something now.
In the economy of Heaven, Now is more important than New. You don’t need to always look for something New, but you should watch out for something Now; Now it shall spring forth (Isaiah 43:19). What is springing forth concerning your life now? Is it a new job, location, business path, relationship, opportunity etc?
With God, movability and postability are more important than stability (Acts 8:26-29, 10:9-16). We are looking for stability whereas God is looking for movability and postability. If God can no longer move or post you, then you have become a history while still alive. The Israelites dwelt in tents in the wilderness so that they can easily pack out and move with God as He moves; they have not gotten to the promised land.
Your promised land is still ahead of you (Joel 2:3, Hebrews 11:13). You need to journey with God upwards and forward. You need to follow the glory cloud. You need to follow the direction of God in your spirit. This is where your provision and protection lie. You are not safe in America or Akure; you are safe in the will of God. Abroad is far but above is near; it is within you (Luke 17:21). Follow the glory cloud.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria