A passionate young man went for a conference where he witnessed a senior man of God ministered powerfully in the anointing. After the conference, he met the man of God and said; “Sir, can you lay hands on me so I can flow in the same grace that you flowed in. I want a double portion of what you carry.” The man of God simply told him; “You don’t get it by laying of hands. You get it by process.” The young man went home disappointed.
Friend, the anointing is not cheap (Isaiah 55:1-2). There are prices to pay. There are protocols to follow. There are processes to go through (Luke 4:1,14). Whereas you can get the anointing for healing and solution to your life’s problem by the laying on of hands, you cannot get the anointing for ministry and destiny by that. You have to go through the required process.
When people read about the fact that Elisha got the double portion of Elijah’s anointing by “simply” asking, what they fail to realize is that he did not just get it by asking. He got it by serving (2 Kings 2:9-10, 3:11). He had served Elijah for years. He had gone through stuff. He had gone through humiliations and mockery (2 Kings 2:3). He had passed the test of the anointing.
Have you passed the test of the anointing? If some of us were Elisha, we would have backed out. How can you be following a leader who seemed to be asking you to go away (2 Kings 2:2, John 6:66-69). He behaved as if he never needed you. Elisha would also have to put up with Elijah’s humanity and imperfections. He focused on what he wanted.
You need to realise that God often uses imperfect people as conduits of His grace and power to a generation (2 Corinthians 4:7). If you don’t look away from their imperfections, you would miss what they carry. They are not perfect men; they are just men made perfect (Hebrews 12:23). Sometimes, the things you need for your destiny are in a vessel you don’t like. Don’t allow sentiments and emotions to hinder you from your portion.
You cannot go far in life; career, business, ministry, or marriage without the anointing (Psalms 92:10). You need to crave the anointing. You need to go through the right processes with God. You need to serve. You need to live a life of consecration. You need to stay committed to spiritual routines to constantly stir up the gift of God within you (2 Timothy 1:6). The anointing will make a difference in your life and calling. Amen.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria