I normally do not like to interfere with newly weds as I want them to enjoy their privacy. But I noticed that she kept calling me shortly after her wedding. When her calls became frequent. I decided to ask; “How’s married life going?” She burst out; “Pastor, it has not been easy. I never knew that marriage was like this.” Well, I gave her some counsels and encouragements.
Friend, don’t rush into marriage. If I may ask; how long does it take to prepare for a journey that is meant to last forever? Listen, except you are not planning to marry for long, you cannot afford to boycot preparations (Luke 14:28). The truth is, you cannot over prepare for marriage. Getting wedded is not the goal. Marital fulfilment is the goal (1 Corinthians 7:25-26).
Perhaps a classic example of a marital relationship in scriptures is that of Jesus’ parents. They were courting, about to be married (Luke 1:27). They went through the right process. Their marriage worked as it birthed the Messiah and other powerful disciples and apostles. They were intentional; God could work with them. How about you?
It takes Grace to lead about a sister. It takes Grace to be a wife (1 Corinthians 9:5). Being a wife is not just a status. It is a stature. It is something you become intentionally. As a single, don’t be peeping into marriage without making the right preparations. Don’t be so preoccupied with the idea of getting married that you forget to truly live as a single.
You cannot be successfully married unless you are successfully single. Your single life is a part of your marital journey. You need to live it well. When God says; “Wait”, He’s not asking you to be idle, doing nothing. God’s definition of wait is, prepare! Your preparation would ultimately affect your manifestation. Your married life is the “test result” of your single life; it tells us how you fared at that phase.
Sometimes, waiting a little longer in preparation would greatly help your marriage (Isaiah 28:16). It is better to be single, hoping to be married than to be married, praying to be single. Don’t think that marriage would just do the magic. Become the kind of person you want to be in marriage now that you are still single. Wedding day is not magic day. Don’t rush into marriage.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria