I once heard the story of a married man who was seen wearing his wedding ring on the wrong finger. Someone tried to correct him. His response was epic ; “Don’t worry, I intentionally wore the ring on the wrong finger because I married the wrong person.”
Friend, don’t marry wrong. The truth is, the person you marry would ultimately determine what you become in life. The right marriage will bring out the best in you. The wrong marriage does the opposite. The devil subtly wants to join you to the wrong person so as to truncate your destiny. Don’t let the social media redefine marriage for you. God’s original plan for marriage must be your guide (Genesis 2:18, Ecclesiastes 4:9).
Except you are not ordained to marry if you marry the wrong person, about 80% of your usefulness in life and destiny is gone. Why do people marry wrong? Why do wise people marry fools? Why do fire brand brothers or sisters marry fire extinguishers? Why do sons of God marry daughters of Belial (Proverbs 14:12)?
A lot of people marry wrong because of impatience (Isaiah 28:16). Listen, God’s best are still ahead of you. Don’t make quick and uninformed choices. Let the revelation of divine purpose and timing guide you as you make a choice of who to marry. Abigail’s problem was not divine revelation. It was probably impatience (1 Samuel 25:25-42). She married Nabal before David showed up!
What about you? Are you going to wait for divine choice or hurriedly marry the devil’s alternative? Will you be guided by divine revelation or bow to pressure (Ecclesiastes 3:11, Isaiah 28:16)? Don’t allow the devil, your flesh, or people’s opinion to colour your perception. Be guided by divine wisdom and revelation (Isaiah 33:6). For engaged singles, it is never too late to get out of the wrong relationship. A broken courtship is better than a broken marriage.
It is better to be single, hoping to be married than to be married, praying to be single. For those who think they have married wrong, allow God to turn things around for you. Like Abigail, it does not matter who your spouse is at the moment; don’t play the fool (1 Samuel 25:23-24). Don’t play the wayward. Don’t play the wicked. Continue to seek God. Pray for your spouse. Love him or her. Go for counsel and trust God to turn things around. God has not planned marriage to only be endured. He wants it to be enjoyed (Proverbs 5:18).
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria