Early in my Christian walk and leadership, the Lord spoke to me one day and said; “Son, with the way you are now, I don’t think I can commit my daughters into your hands.” I just got into year two on campus that time. That statement helped me to sit right and gave myself to the demands of God. It has paid off greatly afterwards.
Friend, where are you on your journey of consecration with God (1 Thessalonians 4:3-4)? You cannot fulfil destiny better than your level of consecration. Consecration is simply giving your destiny the discipline and duties that it demands (Hebrews 10:5-7). It is living as demanded and not as convenient.
If you keep having your way with God every time, then you are not ready to go far with God (Genesis 6:3). It is either you lose to win or you win to lose. When you lose to God and His demands for your life, you will eventually win in life and destiny. But if otherwise, you are setting yourself up for failure. It was not until Jacob yielded to God that he broke into his prophetic destiny (Genesis 32:24-28).
As you grow and mature in God and in destiny, it is not everything that will be allowed for you (1 Corinthians 6:12). If you keep doing stuff because everybody is doing it without knowing what God will have you do, you are not yet set for destiny. A man of destiny does not follow the crowd or what is popular. He follows what is chosen or demanded of him (Acts 26:19).
God does not take from you without planning to give you more. Sometimes, until you release what is in your hand, God will not release what is in His hands (Genesis 22:1-19). Abraham needed to release Isaac for him to become the father of nations. Mary Magdalene needed to break her Alabaster box for her name to enter into God’s eternal program (Matthew 26:6-13).
Where you are today in destiny is a reflection of your consecration (Daniel 1:8). If you keep struggling with God and His demands on your life, you would only truncate or slow down God’s eternal plan and purpose for your life (John 12:24). This year, what would you give up in order for you to go up? In what area do you need to yield to God so that He can do with your life what He has always wanted to do?
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria