One of our practices as a family is to get on our knees in prayers and thanksgiving whenever we return home from work and school daily. I notice my son has gotten used to this. As soon as we get home, he’d locate a stool in the sitting room to lean on as he anticipates and responds to the prayers. It is the same God, different generations.

Friend, God wants His knowledge to be preserved and extended from generation to generation (Psalms 78:4-6). This is the job of fathers and parents. They protect posterity. They ensure that the unfeign faith is passed from fathers to sons, and the flow continues (2 Timothy 1:5). But what happens when fathers fail in this hallowed responsibility?

When fathers fail to introduce God to their children, we would have a generation that does not know the God of their fathers (1 Samuel 2:12). A situation in which children refuse to serve the God of their fathers is a misnomer. We must not explain it away using sociology or technology. Technological advancement should strengthen and widen the faith of sons and not diminish it.

Our faith must be contagious enough for our children to see and follow (Isaiah 51:1-2). We must also be intentional enough to pass it on. One of the greatest disservice you can do to your children and future generations is to leave their faith and growth in God to chance (Genesis 18:19). If you don’t mentor them, you would have to manage the consequences of your inaction.

The generations will change, but the reality of God in each generation must not change (Psalms 33:11). The method may change, but the substance remains the same. While Moses manifested power in Egypt and parted the red sea, Joshua would operate by divine wisdom to divide inheritance to the children of Israel (Joshua 1:1-5). We must allow upcoming generations to express the dimension of God peculiar to their generation. But the reality of the Spirit and sacredness of scriptures must be preserved.

We are all going to grow into what we constantly see and hear (Philippians 4:9). Parents must protect the gateways to the heart and life of their children. If you don’t give them the right things to see and hear, there are thousands of alternatives out there (2 Timothy 3:15). You need to take them to church. Let them fall in love with Sunday school. Have a family altar. Be involved in their TV choice and schedules. If you are not ready to be actively involved in the lives of your children, don’t give birth. Amen.

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria