I saw a random post online when a social media influencer asked his followers to post their rent that he was willing to help sort out the rent of 10 people. I took time to read through some of the comments, and I saw some sizable rents; some 70,000, 150,000, 250,000, etc. But I saw some people post 1.5 million, 2 million, 3 million, etc.
I cannot but ask myself why someone would think that such a rent would be paid by a random influencer when he could easily pay for 20 people with your own rent of 3 million. Why would someone come online to ask for help to pay house rent in millions? I learnt that you should cut your coat according to your clothes.
Friend, you need to cut your coat according to your cloth, not according to your size. Sometimes, your size is bigger than the amount of clothes you have. Your appetite may be bigger than the resources that are available at your disposal. What should you do at such points? You would need to apply wisdom (Proverbs 4:7). I personally believe that, sometimes, indebtedness is a proof of lack of wisdom and discipline.
As a pastor, I have tried to help believe balance faith with wisdom. Truly, any faith that is void of wisdom would soon land you in trouble (James 1:5, 2:14). Faith is not an enemy of fact. Faith does not deny the reality on the ground. Faith is not a destination. It is a journey. Growing in faith would mean enjoying God’s best at the level you are in and growing from there. God is not committed to supplying your wants. He is committed to supplying your needs (Philippians 4:19). When what you call need is not being met, you may need to check if it is really a need or a want.
Rent is never an emergency. Child delivery is not an emergency (Matthew 25:1-9). The moment your wife gets pregnant, you already have about 9 months to prepare for the arrival of the baby. The moment you pack into a rented house, you should start planning your next rent. I tell people, even though most landlords collect rent per annum, you should pay it monthly. Set aside the monthly equivalent of your annual rent in savings. That’s how you know that you may not be able to afford eating shawarma every day or changing your mobile phone every 6 months (Proverbs 21:20).
Life is in phases, and men are in sizes. What is not enough today would be more than enough tomorrow (Job 8:7). From experience, I know it is possible to live pressure-free, irrespective of your financial status (Proverbs 6:6-11). Presure comes when we want to live above our level per time. As inflation bites harder in the world and the economic reality around us becomes increasingly unpredictable, one of the things you can do is to reduce your expenses. If you cannot control your income, you should be able to control your outflow.
You don’t have to impress anybody. Most of the people you are admiring are in a season that is different from yours (2 Corinthians 10:12). If you cannot afford designer shoes and clothes now, buy the ones you can afford. Let it be clean and well set. You would be fine. Get out of any relationship or association that is putting you under unnecessary pressure (Psalms 1:1-3, 16:11). Move with those who would challenge you, not those who would depress you. Value your peace more than anything else.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria