On this side of the world, it is common to hear people respond with, “don’t mention” when you are about thanking them for what they have done for you (though, in actual fact, a lot of them really want you to mention). This is unlike God. When He does something for you, He wants you to mention. He wants you to be deliberate about thanking Him.
Friend, our posture of prayers in the new covenant must be that of thanksgiving. This is why the highest expression of faith in the new covenant is Thanksgiving (Romans 4:20). This was what we saw in the life and ministry of Jesus as He manifested the miraculous. Before multiplying the loaves of bread and fish, He gave thanks (John 6:11).
At the tomb of Lazarus, He gave thanks (John 11:41). At the return of His disciples from their outreach, He gave thanks (Luke 10:21). Even towards the end of His life on earth as He broke bread with His disciples, He gave thanks (Luke 22:17-19). Jesus knew something about Thanksgiving that we also need to know and apply today if we would enjoy a life of ease and peace like He did.
Apostle Paul gave us a powerful secret of peace in Philippians 4:6-7. He emphasized that Thanksgiving must be in the mix if we would experience and enjoy the peace of God that passes all understanding. A lot of people pray out of pressure but people who give thanks have learnt to transfer their pressure to God and exchange it for His peace.
Our understanding of redemption is best seen in how we live. If you know that all has been done and finished in Christ, your response would be Thanksgiving. Prayer will no longer be a struggle with a God who may or may not give us what we are asking, we would simply lay hold on what He has already given us in Christ. This would affect how and why you pray. It would also affect how you feel after you pray.
“Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share in the saints’ inheritance in the light” (Colossians 1:12). You have been qualified to share in the inheritance. You are not trying to have it, it is yours by redemption. What are those things you have been believing God for since the year began? Start thanking God for them and receive His peace today. Amen!
© ‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria