One of the very few times in my life that someone has got to ask me, “Hope all is well?,” was years ago. I cannot vividly remember what was going on that season, but I got so swamped in it that I wore it on my face. That statement from a concerned friend made me adjust my attitude. I needed to bring out joy.

Friend, you need to bring out joy. You need to protect your joy this season. If the devil can attack your joy, he has truly attacked your life (Joel 1:12). Joy is the foundation for your triumph in life and destiny. Joy is your fetcher. With it, you draw virtues from God (Isaiah 12:3). No joy, no flow of divine blessings.

With joy, you keep things in place in your life. With joy, your business, career, ministry, etc. produces. When joy withers, everything goes down (Joel 1:12). Joy is the custodian of your glory in Christ (1 Peter 1:8). Learn to bring out joy! Joy is the atmosphere where God dwells and works (Psalms 16:11). Depression is the atmosphere for satanic works (1 Corinthians 10:10).

Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, not a function of your circumstances (Galatians 5:22). Whereas happiness depends on happenings, Joy is a function of the Holy Spirit. The devil cannot handle a joyful person. Most of Paul’s epistles were written in prison, yet he was encouraging others (Philippians 4:4). Like Paul, learn to draw strength and encouragement from within (Nehemiah 8:10).

Joseph was in prison, and he could still cheer up other prisoners and even interpret their dreams (Genesis 40:5-8). Listen, you will determine how long you would last in the prison of life by your attitude and display of joy. Remember that Paul and Silas prayed and sang in prison; their joy could not be affected by their circumstances. It was not long that they were freed (Acts 16:25).

To activate and release joy, learn to pray in the Spirit (Romans 14:17). Learn to get in the word. The word of God should define your perspective and response to life (Jeremiah 15:16). Get into atmospheres of worship. Worship dries up worries. Worship draws God and drives away the devil (1 Samuel 16:23). May you never lose your joy in Jesus name!

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria