A man of God ministered powerfully in his church with attendant testimonies. While the ministration was going on, the wife left the church and drove home. Everyone was surprised, including the pastor. When he got home, he asked her what the problem was. She responded; “Man of God, help my family too. I want was I saw in church in our home. Bless us, too.”
Friend, Christianity must work at home if it would be healthily exported to others (Acts 1:8). This is one area we all need to pay attention to. Like our opening story stated, we must bless our family more than we bless the outside world. Our marriage must work, not just our ministry. If you see marriage as a ministry, you will prioritise it above all else (Ephesians 5:21-33).
David returned to bless his house after blessing the children of Israel (2 Samuel 6:18-20). This is what every pastor and every husband needs to know. After you have blessed the people outside, return to bless your home. You should even bless your home before going out to bless others. After you have treated those ladies in your office with care and courtesy, go back home and treat your wife and children even better. Don’t be nice outside but harsh at home.
Most people are good to outsiders than insiders. Some can lavish money on strangers while their own children’s school fees have not been paid. Some have not appreciated their wife’s dressing in a while, but they are quick to appreciate other ladies outside. If you continue this way, your marriage will not last. Charity must begin at home (Galatians 6:10, 1 Timothy 5:8).
A man’s eulogy at his funeral got his family confused. He was a bad father at home. Don’t be a good pastor but a bad father (Ephesians 6:4). Don’t be a good boss, but a bad husband. Don’t be a good employee, but a bad sibling at home. Don’t go the extramile for strangers and not be willing to sacrifice for those at home (Genesis 14:14-16). Don’t honour your pastor or boss while dishouring your husband. Learn to do both.
When the chips are down, it is your family that would be there for you. If you mismanage it, you will have nothing to fall back on (John 19:25-27). There is nothing as beautiful as a peaceful and blissful marriage. It is not a gift. It is a responsibility, and it must be a priority. Wives, learn to honour the grace of God upon your husband so you won’t be bleeding at home while he his blessing others out there (2 Samuel 6:20-23). Selah.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria