I wondered where my daughters got information about birth marks. Anytime they noticed a mark on my body or that of their mum, they’d refer to it as birth mark. Birth mark became their anthem all through that particular time. I had to educate them on what birth marks are. But I got another revelation from it.

Friend, where is your birth mark? It is true that some people are born with birth marks. But it is truer that every child of God has birth marks. Even if you don’t have any physical birth mark on your body now, you have got a spiritual birth mark if you are born again. There is the mark of the Lord Jesus on your life (Galatians 6:17).

You are not ordinary. Salvation places the mark of Jesus’ ownership on you. With the mark, Jesus knows you and owns you (John 10:1-14). You are not your own. You are not available for strange spirits and sicknesses (Exodus 23:25). If you are not conscious of the mark of ownership that Jesus placed on you, you would keep falling victim to satanic assaults.

Notice that the Israelites were asked to place the blood on their door posts while the destroyer passed by (Exodus 12:13). This is highly instructive for us today. There is the mark of the blood on your very life too. The blood did not just save you. It also marks you for safety and preservation (Psalms 91:1-10, Revelation 12:11). Indeed, destruction is not permitted to come near you. Death has no power over you. Fear not.

There is the mark of the covenant upon every born-again person. Truly, we are children of the prophets and of the covenant (Acts 3:25). Our experiences on earth are supposed to be different from ordinary people. Others may say there is a casting down. But for us, there is lifting (Job 22:29). The covenant makes all the difference.

You have the mark of divine destiny on your life. Just like Jeremiah, God had His eyes on you before you were born (Jeremiah 1:4-5). He has marked you for a higher purpose and destiny. Don’t live anyhow. It’s this mark that made your journey in life to be peculiar. God is the one supervising the circumstances around your life (Ephesians 1:11, 2:10). Be conscious of your birth marks today.

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria