Recently, I told my younger daughter to be fast with her bathe. She responded; “Daddy, don’t worry, I’d be done in 2 minutes.” I replied, “I hope so.” Then she responded; “Daddy, don’t hope so. Just believe.” That seemingly trivial conversation was a lesson on faith for me.

Friend, don’t confuse faith with hope (Hebrews 11:1). A lot of times, when people say that they have faith, what they actually have is hope. You cannot get God to work for you by just hoping. Anybody can hope, but it takes a man of faith to get things done with God and in the kingdom (Hebrews 11:6).

Faith is beyond hope. In the equation of faith, promise comes first. We can only hope on what God has promised (Psalms 119:49, Romans 4:21). Sadly, many people are expecting God to do what He has not promised. Then they get disappointed when it does not happen. Expecting God to do something without a promise is like expecting me to come visit you when I did not promise you. It is a probability.

Faith is not a probability. It is a certainty (Romans 4:21, 2 Timothy 1:12). It is an assurance in your heart that God is able, willing, and ready to do what He has promised. We can only hope on what God has promised. But beyond just hoping, we should have faith. Faith is a step beyond hope. It is taking corresponding action alongside your hope.

If I promise you a visit, then you should hope I will come. But beyond hope, you should prepare for my coming. That is faith. Put your house in order, cook me a meal or whatever as you anticipate my coming (Amos 4:12, Luke 19:44). Are you expecting God to visit you and your family this season? Then, put your house in order, cook Him a meal, His favourite meal.

God’s favourite meal is worship and praise. Once He smells the aroma of such spiritual sacrifices, He comes visiting. He does not only visit, He stays (Psalms 22:3). This is how to have faith for a divine visitation. This is how to get God to work in your life. Hold unto His promise, hope in His promise, and take corresponding action (Luke 1:45). Amen.

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria