One young man has had it rough in virtually all areas of life. While in prayers, he received an instruction to move to another city. This city was not anything near where he was in terms of opportunities and vibes. He obeyed God nonetheless. Within months of relocation, everything picked up. He got a good job, got settled maritally and aligned with divine purpose. He was willing and obedient.
Friend, God has made you a free moral agent. When you gave your life to Christ, the power of your will was not taken from you. Rather, your heart was made open to God’s spirit so that you can ‘will’ to do God’s bidding. This is one truth you need to understand as far as fulfilling destiny is concerned.
There is the best in every land and every field that God has chosen for you; be it career, ministry, business etc. (Isaiah 1:19). Stop wondering if you would get God’s best in life and destiny. Don’t even try to envy other people thinking that the grass is greener at their other side. No, the grass is also green at your own side. Just unlock the principle and power of willingness and obedience.
God does not force His will on you. He has not made you like a Robot without a will or the power of choice. Rather, He presents His will to you and helps you to ‘will’ to do it (Philippians 2:13). There is a time that God “struggles” with you, but a time comes that He leaves you to your choice and decision; this is a dangerous place to be (Genesis 6:33).
There is the best of God in whatever “land” that He has chosen for you. If God has called you into the pulpit ministry, for instance, God’s best awaits you in that land of calling so you have no need to envy other people or compare yourself with them (Acts 26:19). The land can also mean a geographical location; the place that God wants you to settle and do destiny (Genesis 26:1-6).
Your purpose or destiny is tied to a specific location. When you get into that location, accept it (with willingness) and obey God’s instruction therein. It’s only a matter of time, you will eat the best of the land (Genesis 26:12-14). The challenge most times is that people do not fully accept God’s chosen path or location for them, walk against divine instruction and wonder why they are not making progress (Job 36:11).
© ‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria