“If God can make you a man of prayer, He has already made you a man of success.” This was the profound statement I heard years ago that revolutionised my prayer life. Indeed, prayer is the foundation for every lating life and success. Be a person of prayer.
Friend, you need to be a person of prayer (Luke 18:1). One of the most important foundations you can ever lay for a life of success and victory is prayer foundation. A lot of people have great destinies but a weak prayer life. When God wants to do something great in your life, He would draw you into prayer (Habakkuk 2:1-3). If you ignore it, you would sabotage your future without knowing.
Every great destiny begins with a great prayer life (Mark 1:35). The first response you must give to divine vision is prayer. I often wonder why some people always have the drive to jump out at every little revelation from God. Listen, divine revelation must be followed by human intercession if it would not be a victim of satanic interruption (Galatians 1:15-17).
A lot of great destinies have been intercepted and interrupted today because many refuse to pray (1 Corinthians 16:9). Your laziness in prayer must be treated as an emergency. No wonder Jesus kept telling the disciples to rise up and pray (Matthew 26:38-46). Unfortunately, they continued to sleep until they almost slept away their destiny, but for God’s mercy.
What about you? Are you sleeping away your destiny without knowing (Psalms 13:3)? Sometimes, you don’t know what you could have become if you took your prayer life more seriously. A lot of people have been stopped or slowed down because they have refused to pray (1 Timothy 1:18). While prayer is not all there is to success, it is a crucial foundation that must be laid.
Rather than running helter-skelter, why not secure God’s good hand upon your life through prayer (Nehemiah 2:8, 18)? If you pray more, you will struggle less, but if you ignore prayer, you might end up in frustration. Your current life is a harvest of prayer or the lack of it (James 5:16-18). Have you injected enough prayer into your life and destiny this year?
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria