Years ago, I was resting in the bedroom when I heard my two daughters ‘holding church service’ in the sitting room. After singing worship songs, the elder one said, “Now let’s begin to pray in tongues,” and they began to speak. I had to listen well to see if they truly meant what they were doing. Of course, they’ve not been baptised at that time, but they ‘spoke in tongues’ for minutes. One spoke my wife’s kind of tongues, and the other spoke mine.

Friend, atmospheres determine happenings. The environment you find yourself will ultimately determine your manifestation. Who and what you consciously or unconsciously expose yourself to will go a long way in determining what your life will become (1 Samuel 10:5-12). It is garbage in, garbage out.

What kind of environment do you find yourself? What do you learn from such an environment? Who or what is influencing you unknowingly? Don’t forget that atmospheres determine happenings. You cannot live better than the kind of environment you find yourself (1 Corinthians 15:33).

It is better to have a bad life but a good company than to have a good life but a bad company. This is why a sinner whose best of friends are saints is more likely to make it than a saint whose best of friends are sinners (Psalms 1:1-3). Your friends do not only tell us who you are but also how you would end.

Don’t be a victim of the wrong atmospheres and relationships. Even if you are in the wrong atmosphere by circumstances, you can create your own conducive atmosphere by choice. You can create a good atmosphere inside a bad one. You can create quietness in the midst of chaos. You can cultivate intimacy with God in the midst of perversion (Genesis 6:5-8, 22).

Samuel was placed in the temple right from birth, and a major prophet came out of him as he cultivated intimacy with God (1 Samuel 3:1-11). The grace of prophecy rubbed off on Saul when he found himself in the company of prophets (1 Samuel 10:5-11). What about you? Are you in the company of prophets or gossip? Are you developing into the man or woman that God has destined you to become?

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria