At our recently held Singles Mentorship Meeting, someone asked me to share some red flags in a relationship. Among the points I gave was one on accountability. I simply said; “If he does not have an accountability voice in his life, you need to watch out. “I believe this is also true for life generally.
Friend, accountability is the key to stability, safety and lasting success. People without accountability fizzle out in no time. Accountability is God’s wisdom in preserving your life and destiny. The more gifted or skillful you are, the more accountable you need to be (Luke 2:49-51).
There are people whom God has wisely placed in an accountability relationship but who reject or simply do not take advantage of it (Hebrews 13:17). I have also seen people who are not privileged to be divinely placed in an accountability relationship but who sought for one by themselves.
When you realize the weight of your destiny, you would not joke with accountability. Accountability is being answerable to a person, people or place. It is having someone or people in your life who can call you to order. It is having someone who can track your progress in life and provide the right balance as you pursue God’s purpose for your life (2 Timothy 1:1-7).
Anointing without accountability is disaster going somewhere to happen .As anointed as apostle Paul was, he was accountable to the Church (Acts 12:25, 13:1-3). We are in days where people want to be free. Teenagers want to be free from the grip of their parents. Wives do not want to be answerable to their husbands. Young people don’t want to stay accountable to a local Church. But the causalities are rising.
You are not truly free until you are righteously bound somewhere. What some people call freedom is bondage and what they call bondage is freedom. If you are free to do whatever you like without accountability you are blinded and bound by ignorance (Proverbs 1:23-26, Hosea 4:6). But when you are accountable you experience true freedom; freedom from avoidable mistakes and a life of regret.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria