During the coronation of the present King of England, I had a lot of questions to answer for my children.
They had known the Queen to be in charge of the monarchy before her death.
But how did King Charles make it to kingship?
What were the criteria?
I had to help my dear daughters understand how the monarchy works.
But much more, we gained scriptural understanding alongside.
Friend, there is a way that God administers His kingdom.
There are criteria involved in determining who steps on the throne of destiny to represent the interest of God and discharge kingdom authority.
It has to be a king among his sons (1 Kings 16:1).
Sonship in the kingdom is the foundation for the manifestation of kingship.
This was why God told Samuel that there’s a king among the sons of Jesse.
God is always looking for who to anoint (Psalms 89:20).
Whether in the family, church, organization, or nation, there are men that God has chosen to carry the destiny of that place and people.
David was one of such men. He was chosen by God to lead the next move of God.
Joseph was also the choice of God among his brethren (Genesis 45:7).
Are you God’s choice in your generation? How do you position yourself for divine choice (Matthew 22:14)?
How do you ensure that the searchlight of heaven beams on you anytime God is looking for a man to use?
The answer is in your sonship development (John 1:12).
God works with sons. God fulfils His purpose through sons.
Even though we are born again as sons and daughters of God, there is a need to develop the attitude and mindset of a son.
Jesus is the pattern Son. He was born as a child, but He was given as a son (Isaiah 9:6).
There was an attitude and a posture of heart that Christ developed that made Him what He became.
It is the attitude of submission to the will of the Father. Sonship is not only about enjoyment. It is also about submission.
We enjoy to the extent that we submit to the Father (Job 36:11).
Jesus never prayed to be given a name that is above every other name. He just submitted to the sonship process (Philippians 2:5-11).
David never applied to become the next king of Israel. It was God who found a son in him.
It was God who saw how he had submitted to divine moulding and making as he stayed in Jesse’s house (Psalms 78:70-72).
What about you?
Are you submitting to divine moulding and making as you stay where God has placed you?
Are you going through the fathering process ordained to birth your destiny?
Are you anointable?
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria