I got so stirred during one of my ministrations in church that I had to kneel down asking the congregation to pray for me. Our church congregation really prayed for me that day. I also used the opportunity to remind them, as I have always taught, that pastors also need prayer.
Friend, your pastor also needs prayer. This is one truth I want to remind you about today. Pastors need prayers as much as members need it, and even more. Most times, we assume that pastors are supermen; they are “men of God.” But we have forgotten that pastors are first “men” before they are “of God.” The best of man is still man in himself. Rather than only asking your pastor to pray for you, also take it upon yourself to pray for your pastor.
Thank God for humble and sincere leaders who would request for prayers (1 Thessalonians 5:25). Most pastors won’t ask for prayers, particularly in our clime. But whether they ask for it or not, know that they desperately need prayers. Pastors are the first targets of the attacks of the devil (Zechariah 13:7, Matthew 26:31). Pastors are expensive to the economy of heaven (Luke 22:31-32).
The enemy does not attack the flock by attacking the flock but by attacking the shepherd (Zechariah 13:7). You need to realize that every attack on your pastor is an attack on you in disguise. Praying for your pastor is praying for yourself. When all goes well with your pastor, all will be well with you. Never rejoice at the struggles of your pastor. Rather, be moved to intercede for him (Philippians 1:16, 2 Timothy 1:8).
Sometimes, we rise to pray too late. There is something about a praying church that puts the enemy at bay (Acts 12:5). The enemy only exploits our prayerlessness to wreck havoc. Why would the Church wait until Peter was taken before they started to pray? James had been killed and was gone forever (Acts 12:1-3). A militant church picks signals of satanic intrusion before it becomes full blown.
Pastors have personal issues that they are grappling with, yet they must care for the church (2 Corinthians 11:28). Their health needs attention. Their family needs help. They are not immune from the economic reality of the country. A lot are going through pressures that may need concerted prayer efforts to deal with (Matthew 26:38). Rather than criticizing or castigating your pastor, rather than always asking him to pray for you or counsel you, pick up a prayer burden for him, his family, and his ministry.
‘Demola Awoyele,
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria