I was listening to a message sometime ago where the man of God said he went visiting his married old son in the US. In the US, he went to the supermarket, bought a bicycle and gave it as a surprise gift to his son. Surprised, his son asked why? His response, “I promised you a bicycle when you were a child. Now, I’m fulfilling my promise.”
Friend, just like that father (grandfather), God is a promise keeper. According to the grandfather above, he ensured to keep his promise to his old son to let him know that God is a promise keeper. Some people are well intentioned but at times, they lack ability or circumstances beyond their control shows up. While some have ability but lack credibility.
When it has to do with your engagement with God and His promises, never forget this; “God is willing. God is able. God is faithful. God is ready.” When you doubt the willingness of God, your faith would be affected. Jesus never let anyone get confused about His willingness while on earth; He always told them He’s willing (Mark 1:39-42).
Ability lies with God; He has all things within His power to fulfil His promise (Ephesians 3:20). God is faithful. He can be trusted. He is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19, Hebrews 6:13-18). When it comes to performing His promises, God is ever ready. He would not ask you to come tomorrow when He knows that you are prepared for what He has promised today.
When God gives you a promise. He is not going to do it, He has already done it. This is the beauty of the New Covenant and the life of Faith. Faith is not “God will do it.” Faith is, “God has done it.” God finishes before He starts. Our job is to receive what He has already done (Hebrews 4:1-3, 2 Peter 1:3).
The mistake a lot of people make is trying to have faith for what God has not promised; it would not work! You need to get God’s promise in His word for every of your desires and expectations. This is when you can release your faith. It may seem delayed but you cannot be denied. All the promises of God in Christ are “Yes and Amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20). God cannot lie!
© ‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria