This April will make it exactly five years that I have consistently churned out our Destiny Capsules Devotional daily without fail. I had received a lot of requests to write devotional for years, but I refused until I felt led to do so.
I noticed that one of my friends that “pestered” me most to start writing devotionals never commented or did as if he saw it for once until after about a year, and that was all he ever did till date. Then it dawned on me that you must never do stuff based on popular demands but based on divine leading.
Friend, as much as it is important that you step out to do stuff you feel necessary to do, you need to ensure that you are doing so as led, not as felt or said. The truth is, until you secure the marching order of God in what you want to do, you might get tired in the march. Ministry is beyond passion. It is beyond popular demand or opinion. It is whatever He tells you to do (John 2:5).
My spiritual father would always tell us that, “Ministry is like pregnancy; nobody can carry it for you.” Listen, the best that others can do is to encourage or support you, but you would need to carry it yourself. This is why you need to ensure that the pregnancy you are carrying is what God placed on your inside, not what you gather from the environment (Luke 1:35).
You can start out on a note of excitement, but you need commitment to get going (1 Timothy 4:15). The commitment to pursue divine vision is generated from the conviction that you have to start it in the first place (Acts 26:19). This is when you can say that faithful is He that calls you, who also will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:24). God will only sustain what He ordains.
When you do stuff because people said it or a man of God prophesied it, you will always need their encouragement and support to get going (Galatians 1:15-16). And when such is not there, there is a tendency to give up. No matter the pressure anyone is putting on you to start that ministry, get married, float that business, etc., ensure you are not doing it because they said so but because He said so.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria