As I sat for that paper during my Senior School examination that year, it was a subject that I was not strong at. Quite strangely, one of the invigilators for that examination offered to bring me the answers to the questions. But I declined. I did what I could and I passed that course. I decided to keep my integrity.
Friend, integrity is capital for life and destiny. Our strongest motivation for a life of integrity should be to honour God and to represent Him correctly among men. This is the testimony of our dear Apostle Paul and it must be our testimony too in all our dealings with and among men (2 Corinthians 1:12).
When the devil comes checking you out, he should find nothing of his in you (John 14:30). This is what would give you the strength, stability and audacity to stand on your stage of destiny. For Joseph, sleeping with Potiphar’s wife is doing wickedness against God and a disservice to his future in God (Genesis 39:9). It was not about what is acceptable in his circle or about pleasing a Boss or friend.
One of the reasons people often compromise is because their motivation for a life of integrity is not strong enough. A married woman might say that she wouldn’t go out with other men in adultery because she wouldn’t want to ‘offend’ her husband.
A student may want to shun examination malpractice because he wants to obey the school rules or for fear of being caught. A pastor may want to stand his ground against unholy lifestyle and wrong ministry practices because he does not want to use his own hands to destroy the ministry he has built for years.
As powerful as these reasons are, they are not strong enough. Most times, the devil would help you to rationalize these obvious sins and give you ‘reasons to do them without any problem’. Make up your mind to honour God and represent Him with your work and your word. Live by the highest standard of integrity and God will show Himself faithful on your behalf (2 Chronicles 16:9).
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria