I counselled with a couple sometime ago. It was just a few days to their wedding. While speaking, they both remarked; “Pastor, it has been a stretch of our faith, but God has been faithful.” I encouraged them; “Master this now because the bulk of what you would face in marriage and life generally would depend largely on your faith.” I was preparing them to live by faith.
Friend, faith is an equalizer. You must master these critical skills if you would live a victorious life on earth; how to be led by the Spirit of God, how to live by faith and how to walk in love. If the devil can puncture your walk in any of these three areas he would have successfully affected your progress in life and destiny. Faith attack is a serious attack on destiny fulfilment (Luke 22:31-32).
The subject of faith is one of the most often discussed subjects today, and yet one of the most often misunderstood. Most times, we see faith as a formula that we use to get results in life or to get out of some tight corners. Whereas faith is the essence of our life and living (Habakkuk 2:4). It is more than a formula. It is not an emergency response to life’s challenges. It is our leverage in the journey of destiny.
You must never get to a point in your walk with the Lord where you are no longer trusting God. Trusting God is beyond getting things. It is the oxygen that keeps you vitally alive in the Christian journey. This is why you will always have something to believe God for. Some things will not come when you want them. It is not because God is hesitant about giving you; it is because He wants to help you grow your faith.
It is what you use that you master; what you don’t use, you would soon lose. Faith is like a muscle. It develops with use. Learn to use your faith for seemingly small stuff so you can master it before big stuff shows up. It is unlike God to bring you before a mountain without first taking time to pace you before that time. God uses what we go through to pace us for what is coming ahead (1 Samuel 17:37, Psalms 18:29).
Just the way you save money in the bank for future projects, you also must ‘save’ your faith for the future of greatness ahead of you (2 Thessalonians 1:3). Whereas, we save money by keeping it, we save faith by using it. If any destiny opportunity ever comes your way without the faith to step into it, you have been playing truant in the school of destiny (Acts 10:9-16). God, by mercy, would bring it again, but you must be super ready! Amen!
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria