Years ago, I was invited to an event. The organizer personally called to tell me he would like me to grace the occasion. But while introducing people, he introduced everyone beside and around me, except me. My flesh started speaking loud, but within me, I knew it was a test.

Friend, are you passing the test of God? Listen, God would normally test you before He trusts you (Genesis 22:1-19). It is the tested that can be trusted. Every day, you are either failing divine test or passing it. Some tests are minor tests, while some are major. Minor tests form our cumulative assessments with God while major tests are defining tests; they determine our promotion in destiny (Proverbs 29:26).

The tests of God would come unannounced, so you need to live ready. God would bring you in contact with people, processes, and places to test you. When God is using people to test you, you need to look beyond the people to what God is taking you through. Like Jacob, it was written that a certain man wrestled with him, then it turned out that he had been wrestling with God (Genesis 32:24-30).

When God uses processes to test you, your heart must be right so you won’t fail the test. The Israelites failed the test of process. God took them through the wilderness to test their hearts, but they failed woefully; they murmured and complained. The majority of them did not get to the promised land (Deuteronomy 8:1-3, 1 Corinthians 10:1-12). What process is God taking you through?

God would bring you into places to test you. Most times, where you would eventually be, God would take you there briefly to test your heart and attitude. David was brought close to kingship to test his heart (1 Samuel 18:5-15). David’s heart was right. He got close to power and greatness without grabbing it. He allowed divine plan to play out (1 Samuel 24:4-20).

You are either qualifying or disqualifing yourself for divine choice by the way you live daily (1 Samuel 16:7). It is private tests that bring public testimony. Eliab had privately failed the test of God before the public selection. David had passed God’s test and was prepared for the throne (1 Samuel 16:1, Psalms 78:70-72). Are you passing the test of God?

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria