Over the years, I have read the part of the gospels where Jesus told His disciples to take up their cross and follow Him. I have read it to mean that we must take up our cross of suffering persecutions and inconveniences as we follow Jesus. But there was a day the Holy Spirit shed more light on this truth. I learnt that to take up your cross also means to live in daily reminder of what the cross of Jesus has done for you. This truth was liberating to me.

Friend, the cross of Jesus is what made the difference in our walk with God. This is the Easter message. It is the message of the cross of Jesus and what it has accomplished for us. It was not only Jesus who was crucified. Every believer in Christ was crucified with Him so that we can all enjoy the benefits of His resurrection (Romans 6:4, Galatians 2:20).

Easter is not only about Jesus’ death and resurrection. It is also about the benefits and blessings that accrue to the believer because of this. The 7-fold outcome of His death, burial, and resurrection is entirely for the believer. He did not just receive power, strength, wisdom, riches, honour, glory, and blessing for Hismelf. He received them for us (Revelation 5:12).

To carry your cross is to live in daily reminder of Jesus’ resurrection and what it has come to offer you. Jesus knew that we might forget easily, so He told us to take up the cross daily (Mark 8:34). This is the same reason He told us to observe the Holy Communion. It is to remind us of the Lord’s death and to make us partake of the full benefits and blessings of the same (Luke 22:19, 1 Corinthians 11:24-26).

Don’t let the devil talk you out of His resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:12-20). Remind yourself daily. If you put on necklaces, earrings, handbands, etc., with the inscription of the cross, know that it is not just fashion. It is faith. It is not just a designer. It is a reminder (Deuteronomy 6:8). How can you wear the cross on your neck, and demons are still pressing you at night? It means you did not allow the truth to set you free (John 8:32).

Carry your cross daily. It is not only meant to be a cross of suffering. It is the cross of victory. It is the cross of exchange. On the cross, your pain was exchanged for His pleasure, your poverty for His prosperity, your sickness for health, and your shame for His glory (Isaiah 53:1-5, 2 Corinthians 8:9). Don’t let the devil rob you of this truth. Carry your cross daily and crush the devil out of your life and destiny. He is alive, and so are you! Hallelujah!

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria