A young man and woman decided to go on days of fasting and prayers to overcome sexual sins in their courtship. On the last day of their fast, they decided to meet together and pray in agreement. Unfortunately, they rounded up their fast that day with another round of sex. They gave place to the devil.
Friend, don’t give place to the devil. It is true that the devil tempts people. But most times, people tempt the devil to tempt them (James 1:13-14). The devil is a master at exploiting weaknesses and lapses in our lives. You can call the devil wicked or whatever, but never make the mistake of calling him foolish or stupid.
Never call the devil stupid. Never think he does not know what he is doing. Just like a serpent, the devil is strategic in his operations (Genesis 3:1). This is why he does not always miss his target. The devil attacks people when they are most vulnerable. He can study you for months and even years before launching his attack (Luke 4:13, 22:6).
One of the principles of spiritual warfare is to expose and expel. You cannot expel a devil you have not exposed. Learning to unmask the devil is one of the ways to get an advantage over him (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). Until Paul brought the bundle of sticks near the fire, the viper was not exposed (Acts 28:3). Don’t let the devil hide around your life and operations; expose and expel him!
Don’t give place to the devil in your life and destiny (Ephesians 4:27). When you give the devil a foothold, he makes a stronghold out of it. When you give him a space in your relationship, he will take over your entire life. One compromise in an aspect of your life can wreck your entire life. David never planned to be a murderer. He only wanted to enjoy some minutes of pleasure (2 Samuel 11:1-27).
The devil will take you farther than you are willing to go. This is why we are told to resist the devil, not assist the devil (James 4:7). Don’t put yourself in compromising situations. Don’t tempt the devil to tempt you. You are to flee from all appearances of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22). Don’t be ignorant. Be sensitive (John 16:7, Romans 8:14, 1 Corinthians 2:11). You have an advantage in the Holy Spirit. Use it!
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria