When my daughters see that my posture around them in the house begins to change, the next question they would ask is; “Daddy, is it time for prayer?” To them, prayer time is a delight. It is what they anticipate each day. Can that be said of you?
Friend, one of the marks of spiritual growth is the desire to do spiritual things (1 Peter 2:2). You won’t grow as you should if you see spiritual exercises as a burden rather than as a delight. This is the difference between religion and Christianity. Religion puts a heavy load of routines on you while Christianity brings life, joy, and pleasure (Psalms 16:11, Romans 14:17).
What is your attitude towards the call for spiritual activities? Is it that of excitement or struggle (Psalms 122:1)? Do you drag your feet or rise with passion? Do you think that you are spending too much time and days in church without taking time to juxtapose it with the time you spend doing other physical things; legitimate and frivolous?
The problem is not the amount of time you spend in church or spiritual activities; it is your lack of passion and desire. Have you ever seen a drunkard complain of the amount of time and days he spends at the bar (Ephesians 5:18-20)? Some people visit the beer shop every day and spend hours despite their busy schedule. It is a ‘calling’ for them.
Do you see your Christianity as a calling or as a comedy (1 Corinthians 1:26)? Do you think we are just acting drama or responding to our calling and mandate? The coming days would be very difficult for a lot of people. Perhaps the devil has strategically punctured your walk with the Lord this year (Luke 22:31-32). You need to rise up!
Never explain away your lack of spiritual fervency (Romans 12:11, Hebrews 12:12). It is not because of your busy schedule or the situation of the country. It is a subtle operation of the enemy to rub you of God’s best this season. Why not ask God to bring back your passion and desire? Why not tell Him to make prayers, study, fellowship, etc., a delight for you and not just a duty. Christianity is a calling, not a comedy. Let’s live it out! Amen!
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria