We had a young man in our Church years ago. I realized that when he’s asked to do any task in Church, especially what looks like a menial job, he’d look for someone younger than him and give the job to him. He never understood that leadership is not about age or status; leadership is service.
FRIEND, LEADERSHIP IS NOT ABOUT AGE OR STATUS, IT IS ABOUT SERVICE. One of the blessings of grace is that it is a leveler (1 Corinthians 15:9-10). Whereas, in the world, family, society etc., people consider age and status in relationships, in Church, but we come before God as sons and daughters, not elder brother, sister, or any form of worldly status.
WE SHOULD ALL THROW OURSELVES INTO GOD’S WORK IN RECKLESS ABANDON, IRRESPECTIVE OF WHO WE ARE OR WHAT WE HAVE. True greatness is in acts of service (Matthew 23:11, Acts 13:36). Jesus watched the feet of his disciples, Saul went to look for his father’s lost donkey, Mordecai served God’s purpose at his duty post (1 Samuel 9:1-3, Esther 10:3, John 13:14).
IF YOU CANNOT DO MENIAL JOBS, YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO DO MEGA JOBS. IT IS PRACTICAL THINGS THAT QUALIFY YOU FOR PROPHETIC MINISTRY (Amos 7:14-15). Before you can hold the microphone, you may need to hold the broom. Before you can lead human beings, you may need to cultivate patience and humility by leading animals (Psalms 78:70-72).
What God looks for is not the certificate, muscles, stature, erudition etc. WHAT GOD LOOKS FOR IS A HEART THAT TRULY LOVES TO SERVE. If your age, certificate, grammar, stature etc. would count, they are to help you lead better by serving better. WHATEVER WE BECOME IN THE FLESH MUST BE TO ADVANCE GOD’S PURPOSE ON EARTH (Philippians 3:1-8).
Servant leadership will distinguish you in your generation (1 Samuel 16:11-12, Acts 13:36). IT IS THE MAN THAT DOES THE JOB THAT NOBODY WANTS TO DO THAT IS QUALIFIED TO DO THE JOB THAT EVERYBODY WANTS TO DO. Nobody wants to stay under the heat of the sun, but everybody wants to be king. David distinguished himself for leadership by being lost in service (1 Samuel 17:34). YOU SHOULD ALSO DO THE SAME.
‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria