As we were about entering the new year, my daughters came to me and asked, “Daddy, can we wash your car?” That’s the last thing I expected to hear from them. Normally, I would ask the elder one to do a small cleaning once in a while. Even at that, she would need encouragement to do it. But this time around, they requested I allow them to clean it. I looked at them and said; “that’s a new attitude.” We all need to work on our attitude.

Friend, you need to work on your attitude. Just as new wine cannot be poured in old bottles, new experiences cannot be achieved with old attitudes (Matthew 9:17). The truth is, attitude is everything. Just by changing your attitudes and perspectives towards life and things generally, you will change your life significantly.

The change you are looking for this new year must first happen on your inside. It is first within, then without (Romans 12:1-2). You cannot continue to keep the wrong attitudes and expect the right results. Our attitude is shaped by our environment and experiences. You need to check the impact that your environment and experiences have had on you so far (1 Corinthians 15:33).

A bad attitude is like a flat tyre, you cannot make progress until you fix it. Stop trying to fix people or your circumstances. Try and fix you (Proverbs 23:7). Fix how you view life. Fix how you see people. Fix your approach towards what you do. For some people, you may not need more skill, grace, or anointing to change your results this year. Just a change of attitude.

Like my daughters, stop waiting for people to tell you to do the right thing before you do it (Proverbs 6:6-11). Leaders take initiative and responsibility. Can you work without supervision? Can you make progress without being pushed? Can you embrace responsibilities instead of shying away from them? Can you live life by action rather than by reaction (SoS 1:6)?

Nothing will be new this year if your attitude does not become new. Thank God for prayers and prophecies, but powerful prophecies with bad attitudes will look like a lie (Luke 19:41-44). You can carry the anointing for favour, but if your attitude is not right towards your clients, spouse, boss, and even strangers, it would still seem that you are under a curse. Work on your attitude. It’s a new year already. Amen!

‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria